A Twin Moms 5 Step Guide to Tandem Nursing

GO see a Lactation Consultant ASAP! There is no reason to feel embarrassed, shy, or ashamed about getting help. There are amazing lactation consultants out there that truly know their stuff! I made appointments to see the lactation consultant at our Youth Clinic for the first month of my duos life. She offered tips and encouragement, checked to make sure the latch on both babies was strong, plus I was able to weigh the babies (or double check the weights I took at home). The comfort and reassurance gained by just sitting with a professional is so worth it and most insurances cover it!

Get Comfortable. Plan on using pillows, footrests, and large couches or oversized rockers. I admittedly spent almost 2 months nursing solely in our bed. I could prop my feet up, or sit cross legged with my nursing pillow and use the bed as i giant safety net as I got comfortable maneuvering my tiny babies. The Twin Z Pillow is truly a lifesaver, it went wherever we did! It provides extra back support and buckles so you don’t have to worry about keeping multiple pillows and 2 babies in check. Here you can find a checklist of nursing essentials to help you get prepared.

Get creative with your nursing positions and holds. Nursing two is an ever evolving practice. In the beginning I stuck with football hold, again my Twin Z really helped support me in this. I would latch my easy/ stronger latcher first placing his belly against my side. I would then roll up a receiving blanket to help support the latched baby’s head while I worked on latching baby number 2. After both babies were latched I would support both of their heads with my hands and lean back into my pillows for more support. Your twin duo like mine will eventually outgrow this and begin kicking off whatever is supporting your back. I took this as the opportunity to switch to traditional cradle hold with their bodies crossed following the same latch method. Followed by the Laid-Back or Upright breastfeeding continuing to use my nursing pillow until it wasn’t working for us. Your twins will eventually become strong enough to latch on their own and help get into position. Our Current situation is a mix of laid back and up right nursing. Naptime, and bedtime nursing sessions are usually done in our double rocker and I use bed pillows on each side of us for comfort but its not needed. Here is a great pin with graphics and explanations of nursing positions.

Choose to Tandem Nurse EVERY TIME. There will be times when you feel you just can’t do it and you need to only be with one baby or let the other one sleep. Remind yourself of why you are doing it. Maybe its to create some sort of rhythm to your day, or maybe you have work and other children to tend to. My main intention for assuring I was tandem nursing was with the birth of my twins my first born had just turned 2 and was still very reliant on his Momma. My heart knew I wanted to make nursing work, but did not want to sacrifice time away from my first baby. So if one twin wanted to nurse I would nurse the other. Not only was this great practice with tandem nursing but eventually this seemed to create a great rhythm and sleep/feed schedule that was natural for the two of them and worked like a charm to create flow for the day.

Always remember to trust your instincts, I promise you they are there! Be completely honest with yourself and your expectations, and don’t doubt what you are capable of, this includes your milk supply! This will be one of the hardest, most trying, yet satisfying things you will accomplish as a mom of multiples. Keep in mind above all else, your health both physical and mental. Don’t allow your nursing goal to compromise those, if you find yourself feeling depleted re-evaluate your personal nutrition, seek guidance and support from family and friends, and always reach out to a medical professional if assistance is needed.

You truly will have your hands full, enjoy every second and I wish you all the luck on your Twin nursing journey!

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