5 Ways I Organized My Home for the Arrival of Twins

As the birth of my twins was drawing closer, and my first born was not quit 2 yet the amount of things in our home, and baby necessities was getting overwhelming. I knew I was going to need to make some changes before we became consumed in the clutter, roaming around as sleep deprived zombies looking for what we needed. So I took action, this is how I began organizing our home to prepare for the birth of our twins, and the daunting task of soon caring for 3 babies under 3 alone during the day.

I put off organizing my home for a long time after the birth of my first. I was very much in gotta go to work, gotta survive this baby, focusing on what works right now and shoving everything else in closets. 

1. My Closet: I got rid of all the clothes I hadn’t worn in 6 months to 1 year, I let go of all the pre-baby life clothes, and things that weren’t flattering anymore. Even if you get back to pre-baby weight your body may be different, you may feel different! The clothes you once loved may not serve that purpose any more. If you don’t plan on going back to work it may be hard, but let go of your “work” clothes. Only keeping a few timeless pieces if you plan on re-entering the work force in a few years. Trust me by the time you go back styles change! You will feel like someone different, and may want different clothes at that point to feel your most confident. I then pulled all the comfortable post-partum clothes to the forefront, nursing friendly styles, comfortable leggings, things that would make me feel great but still comfortable. I got rid of frumpy comfortable. I also pulled staple pieces like kimonos, cardigans, over-sized sweaters, and button ups forward so even in my comfy clothes I could pull together a fashionable outfit I would feel my best in. 

Next the children’s closets. I sorted out my first born’s clothes into bins based on size, knowing I would be able to cycle through them with his twin brothers being born the same time of year. I then made sure his drawers were categorized so we could make getting ready a little smoother in the morning. I pulled all the clothes for the twins’ first year and set up their closet. Keeping newborn-3 months in their drawers. Socks, pjs, onsies, pants, all in designated areas. 

Read the Rest of My Tips on Moms Beyond Online Magazine, just follow this link!

Happy Organizing Mommas!

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