Quick and Easy Apple Bird Feeders

Happy Fall Ya’ll! We had so much fun with our September apple activities and now its on to Pumpkin Season. We had to squeeze in one last Apple activity with the remainder of our apple orchard apples. So we settled on Apple Bird Feeders because they were so effortless!

What you will need:

  • Apples enough for each little crafter
  • Peanut Butter or Sunbutter
  • String
  • Bird Seed


  1. Cut Apples in half
  2. Hallow out a small amount of the center using a spoon or melon baller
  3. Fill with peanut butter or sunbutter.
  4. Press buttered side into birdseed mixture or spoon it in and press.
  5. Tie with a string so it sits right in the crevasse of the stem.
  6. Hang and enjoy watching those sweet birdies have a treat!

Have so much fun Mommas and babes!

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