Gear / Moms Word / Motherhood / Twin Mom

6 Item Prep for a Successful Nursing Journey

After successfully nursing my singleton until 1.5 years old I was determined to do the same with my twins. I  ended up tandem nursing my twins until 20 months old, and we were ready to wean. With the proper preparation whether you are nursing 1 or 2, I believe you will have a successful nursing journey too! Here is where […]

Books / Moms Word / Twin Mom

Our Top Book Pick for Siblings of Multiples

Two Boring Twin Brothers“>”Two Boring Twin Brothers” written by Katelyn Halko was everything we needed it to be for our 2 year old who became a big brother to not one but two little brothers just 14 days after he turned 2. After what felt like the longest search looking for a book a new older sibling of twins could […]