The “WOW” Factor of Baby #4

Did I ever dream I would be a mother to 3 soon to be 4 children? The truth is no. I am the youngest of a family of 6. I grew up thinking my mother was crazy for having that many children. My pre-child self would see women out with shopping carts full of little ones and be in awe of their juggling skills and think how on earth do they manage. Big families always screamed dysfunction to me, I lived it, I thought I knew. However It never stopped me from that desire and longing to be a mother. That I knew was in my plans. 

Baby #1 was long wished for. As we waited, and waited, and hoped and wished patiently. I focused on my career, I became familiar and confident with who I was as a woman. We carelessly tried, but “didn’t”. Then we tried with our hearts set, and when that didn’t work, I began charting my BBT (basal body temperature) like second nature every morning. Until FINALLY we got our positive! Our long awaited bundle of joy. Nothing has ever seemed to fall into place more than finally meeting our sweet baby boy.

I fell in love with being a mother, I resumed my work passionately without skipping a beat and I soaked in all of the glory of the first time motherhood journey. All the ups, and all of those downs! Mixed with all euphoria that is the smell of your babies after long days. 

Baby #2 & #3 was on our radar, and when I say on our radar what I mean to say is that we always wanted 2, or 3 a couple years apart. What was not on our radar necessarily, was identical TWINS! Surprise, we got our bonus babe! AND QUICK…..

READ THE REST of my contribution to Moms Beyond Online Magazine and connect with a tribe of other Mommas HERE.

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