Must Make Breastmilk Maximizing Bullet Proof Coffee Recipe

Its no surprise to any nursing momma out there the ravenous hunger and cravings that come when you are nursing your baby(ies) around the clock! After returning to work with my first born and I began to get back down to my pre-baby weight I started to noticed a drop in my milk supply. I was talking with a fellow Mom friend who at the time was donating oz upon oz of milk, while also nursing her baby. She was also a fellow working mom, and she told be about Bullet Proof Coffee (not to be confused with the actual brand bulletproof coffee, which I haven’t tried). We swapped stories about the mornings without breakfast because of our fast paced schedules, tanking energy levels from nursing, and she got me questioning the healthy fats in my diet to keep up with the milk demand. She shared how she makes her bullet proof coffee for maximum milk supply and I altered for my tastes and preferences. Through my singleton nursing journey followed by my twin pregnancy and tandem nursing journey, this is the recipe that has become ritualistic in my morning routine.

1 K Cup (decaf or regular) the preference is yours

1-2 TBS of Nutiva MCT Coconut Oil, or Nutiva Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil

Splash of Dairy and Sugar Free Califia Farms Coconut Almond Creamer

Dash of Cinnamon

1 Tsp Vanilla

I put everything right into my Ninja single blender cup, blend and pour! You can also use an immersion blender  or a frother if you have one. The key to this is blending it otherwise the coconut oil sits on top and you don’t get the creamy goodness!

Within a week I began to notice a large increase in my pumping supply, going from 2 oz. to 6 oz. on one side! My energy levels weren’t tanking through out the day and it was helping me curb my cravings as well. I’m so thankful I gave it a try and I hope it helps another Momma out there struggling! Here is a pin to all the amazing benefits of Coconut Oil while Breastfeeding. It has quickly become a item on the top of My Ultimate Checklist for Nursing Moms. Feel free to alter the recipe to your preferences and tastes! They KEY is to get that TBS of Coconut Oil in everyday, so if you want to add your own flavored creamer go for it!

Happy Milk Making Momma!

This post contains Affiliate Links to products I and my family love and use!

4 thoughts on “Must Make Breastmilk Maximizing Bullet Proof Coffee Recipe

  1. Is there any way to make this taste like Carmel ? And does the coconut oil make it taste a lot like coconut?

    1. Hey Kaitlin! If you are not a fan of the coconut flavor check out the MCT coconut oil I linked. It is unflavored and liquid for easy blending! If you are a fan of carmel don’t be afraid to add your own carmel flavored creamer of choice! They key to this is the tbs of MCT oil which has been linked to increasing milk production, and has helped save my nursing journey! Good Luck!

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